A friend of mine encouraged me start to journal as a way to get stuff off my chest. It’s supposed to serve more as a therapeutic activity. And I figured, what do I have to lose, I might as well give it a shot, so here goes nothing, … 😉 😂

I’ve always wanted to do a post on one of these government public holidays, today being Moi Day, guess this is the moment i’ve been waiting for,…

So this is what I understand, that is, from my perspective, what government public holidays are about,.., from my understanding, they are about a show of patriotism. I mean, that’s why we celebrate them, right?  Patriotism is love and devotion for one’s country! But here’s what I don’t get, how can one love their country without loving their fellow countrymen and countrywomen!
So today,… on Moi Day, apart from eating chapatis, what have you done for your fellow countrymen, especially the less privileged ones?
What was your ARK today? ( Act of Random Kindness ).
One of the most simple yet profound expressions I have ever heard is,…”You’ve not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never pay you back.”
There’s a common ground somewhere, though we as a nation disagree and fight about alot of things.
It’s one scandal making the headlines today, and another scandal tomorrow.
We don’t always have to agree, but we must empower each other, we must find the common ground, we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good!
I have an issue with the kind of people who are always willingly ready to pounce on any negative story making the headlines with their opinion on social media,  yet they don’t have that same enthusiasm when it comes to worthy courses that actually make a difference. It’s like modern humanity in general has been programmed to appreciate negativity more than what is positive.

The best example to show how true this is would be the media. Have you ever noticed that the NEWS never have positive headlines, neither is any of the follow up stories ever positive. 95% of all news is always negative. You turn on your TV and all you hear is ‘murder this, robbery that, corruption this, nepotism that,’…etc. To be honest, nowadays I only watch the news just to make sure we are not in war, or no one is planning to over throw the government or some extreme stuff like that. Once i’ve made sure, then I don’t really bother with the rest of the news. I can predict what it’s going to be with 90% accuracy.

But what about the unsung heroes?

My mother has always told me,… ” Kuwa mtu ni kuwa na utu,… “

Quite a simple expression, but one that indeed bears so much significance to the open hearted!

” I see the kids on the streets, without enough to eat,… who am I to be blind pretending not to see their needs!? “

                                        -Michael Joseph Jackson

Today ought to have been a day of true patriotism,… love for fellow countrymen. And the ones making a true difference are the people who the media barely profiles.

I celebrate all the unsung heroes in our country today!

That woman who sells kales at the local ‘soko’ and still has enough love in her heart to raise, cater for and educate many orphans as her own children!

That man whose worked common jobs his whole life and spent his entire life savings to build a children’s home where homeless children can find shelter!

That teacher who graduated, distinguished with first class honours and deserved to be employed in the finest of schools but chose to volunteer at a school for the needy where the payment is barely enough to get by,… but day in and day out,… years come and years go,… but they still stick to that course!

You who takes a stand and in your own little way, decide to take make society a better place rather than sit and complain about it,… I celebrate you today!

These are the true #ARKs. ( Acts of Random Kindness ).

May the Almighty God remember you as we commemorate this day, because aside from our freedom fighters, you are the real modern day patriots ( and unsung Heroes ) of this nation and the entire World!

If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen! We ought to recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what’s in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without  love or charity or duty or patriotism, is not freedom at all!

When the chains of corruption, nepotism, tribalism,… continue to bind us, we are nothing but modern day slaves! 
When a nation languishes in poverty, we are nothing but modern day slaves!

When a government allocates 3.6 billion of it’s budget to older persons; orphans and vulnerable children and persons with severe disabilities and we still do not see the results of such allocation; but yet the same government allocates 2 billion in launching a political party in 2016 and the results of such allocation are evident all over, with massive televised gatherings and posh, luxurious transportation cars lined up for entire nation to see,… then we are still nothing but modern day slaves!

I wish the results of relief for the needy was as evident as the results of funds allocated for such political gatherings!

For such freedom is not freedom at all; it is a freedom unworthy of our founding ideals, a freedom unworthy of the MAU MAU who shed blood and died in it’s defense.

Someone once said,…

” Once poverty is gone, we’ll need to build
museums to display its horrors to future
generations. They’ll wonder why poverty
continued so long in human society – how
a few people could live in luxury while
billions dwelt in misery, deprivation and

I couldn’t agree more.

If you’re in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.

To ease another’s heartache is to forget
one’s own. Cherish kindness, mercy, love, pity, charity,… lest you drive an angel from your door.

So let’s revisit,… What was your ARK today? What was your Act of Random Kindness?

If none, then “We Shall Revisit!!” (I’ve always wanted to say that, and I don’t even know what it means,.. 😂)

From me to you and to all Kenyans,… comes a hearty HAPPY MOI DAY!





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